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In your paper, please include your responses to the following questions: (copy-and-paste these questions into a Word document)

In your paper, please include your responses to the following questions: (copy-and-paste these questions into a Word document)

1. Reflect on the experience of researching and analyzing a market sector and companies and the use of business databases, etc. What did you learn?

2. What was your overall experience in collaborating with your group members for this project? What were key take-aways for you in participating in “collaborative information seeking and knowledge creation”? Was it a positive or negative experience (i.e., do you like group “collaborative” projects more or less after this experience)? Please explain.

3. What was the most valuable aspect of collaborating with fellow students on this project? The most challenging aspect? Was it helpful having time to work in your groups on this project in-class, instead of working solely outside of class? Please explain.

4. Please summarize your contributions on the ITMSA project (Music Companies) – both ITMSA assignments 1-Report & 2-Presentation – and to your team members. Also, if you work on other group projects in courses in the future, would you change your approach to collaborative projects and the inherent group dynamics differently?

5. Please summarize others’ contributions in your group. Did you think all team members contributed and supported the overall project (report and presentation) equally in a fair manner? Were there certain members who took on a leadership role, such as the “project coordinator” and/or anyone else who coordinated the group’s efforts and/or put in extra effort to help the group achieve assignment goals and meet deadlines? Did any group members contribute less or were late to work on each of the ITMSA assignments? Please explain.

6. How did you like using collaborative technology – Google Docs – to ‘collaborate online’ and draft your papers and presentation with team members (in contrast to sending files to each other through email, for example)? Did your group use other technologies to communicate
(Yes GroupMe)? If yes, did the technology help facilitate your group members staying on task and working collaboratively? Moving forward, do you plan to use these collaborative technologies for group coursework, information exchange, and/or social networking?

7. Was the “organization” of the ITMSA Project in the eCollege course helpful in guiding you and your group members in undertaking each assignment, as well as the supporting information (e.g., assignment instructions, research and APA resources, grading rubrics, etc.)? Please explain.

8. Do you have any suggestions for improving this collaborative project?

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