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Instructions 1. The hash value of a message is a one-way “unique value” that can be extracted from the message using algorithms


1. The hash value of a message is a one-way “unique value” that can be extracted from the message using algorithms like MD5 and SHA-x. In this paper, you are going to use a hash calculator (the best way to find one is to google 
hash calculator). Cut and paste the message below into a hash calculator and compute the MD5 or SHA-1 hashed value. Once you have the hashed value, store it in a text file (notepad). Now, search for an AES encryption tool on the Internet (google: 
AES encryption tool). Paste the hashed value into the AES tool (note that you will need to create a secret password/key to use the EAS Encryption tool. Once the encryption is completed, explain the resulting value (what is it?).

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0 – 40 points

41 – 90

Demonstrates a lack of understanding of Digital Signing

Demonstrates an understanding of Digital Signing

Writing Quality & Adherence to Format Guidelines

0-6 points

9-10 points

Paper shows a below average/poor writing style lacking in elements of appropriate standard English and following proper APA guidelines.

Paper is well written and clear using APA guidelines and standard English characterized by elements of a strong writing style.

APA Format

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