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Instructions 1. Two of the main VPN encryption protocols are TLS/SSL and IPSEC. Both protocols establish handshakes to


1. Two of the main VPN encryption protocols are TLS/SSL and IPSEC. Both protocols establish handshakes to exchange parameters which will be used to set up VPN connections. In this paper you will first describe the TLS/SSL VPN handshake followed by a the IPSEC handshake. Compare the two protocols and explain, according to you which one is better.


0 – 40 points

41 – 90

Demonstrates a lack of understanding of the TLS/SSL and IPSEC protocols

Demonstrates an understanding of the TLS/SSL and IPSEC protocols

Writing Quality & Adherence to Format Guidelines

0-6 points

9-10 points

Paper shows a below average/poor writing style lacking in elements of appropriate standard English and following proper APA guidelines.

Paper is well written and clear using APA guidelines and standard English characterized by elements of a strong writing style.

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