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INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a written report that includes a plan to reduce the



For this assignment, you will prepare a written report that includes a plan to reduce the chance of a security breach. Please follow the instructions below and prepare your assignment, and be sure to follow APA guidelines. 

Refer to the APA Resources area in the “Student Resources” button on our course home page.


In Module 6, we learned about security breaches. For this assignment, consider the following scenario:

Scenario: Imagine that you work for a company that is looking to get into e-commerce. Your manager knows that you are taking an e-commerce course and has asked for your input regarding security breaches related to an e-commerce website.

1. Prepare a report (3-4 pages) for your manager that includes the following:

· Describe common risks (threats) associated with a security breach.

· How do these risks impact customers, suppliers, other vendors, and the e-commerce company itself?

· Discuss the importance of having a plan to reduce the risk of a security breach.

· Provide recommendations about how your company can mitigate security risks.

2. Please make sure that your report adheres to the following requirements:

· Your report should be 3 to 4 pages in length.

· Include in-text citations of the author’s last name, year published, and page number, including when you cite your online resources (text). This adds strength and validity to your opinions, avoids plagiarism, and facilitates the demonstration of having read the assignment.

· Use your text and outside sources. Do not submit unsubstantiated opinions, hearsay, or conjecture.

· Provide substantive, thorough responses to each part of the prompt.

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