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INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED Module 6 Assignment: HIPAA Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a written document that


Module 6 Assignment: HIPAA


For this assignment, you will prepare a written document that describes the HIPAA privacy rule and HIPAA security rule. Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow APA formatting guidelines. 


In Module 6, we learned about the HIPAA Privacy Rule and HIPAA Security Rule.

1. After reviewing the learning resources for this module, write a 1-2 page(minimum one full page), APA formatted paper that describes the HIPAA privacy rule and the HIPAA security rule. Be sure to include the following in your paper:

. Introduction paragraph on HIPAA (when did it start, why is it used)

. One paragraph discussing the privacy rule and how that relates to health information.

. One paragraph discussing the security rule and how that relates to health information.

. Conclusion paragraph on the importance of HIPAA in healthcare and how it impacts the delivery of healthcare.

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