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Instructions: Due Tuesday 02/28 At least 2 pages long with 3 peer-reviewed references. You will expand your discussion of how your selected corporation

Instructions: Due Tuesday 02/28

At least 2 pages long with 3 peer-reviewed references.

You will expand your discussion of how your selected corporation measures up to the industry averages both financially and ethically. Present whether your selected corporation performed above average, average, or below average. Include an explanation of why your selected corporation performed as it did relative to industry averages. Support your explanation with citations to peer-reviewed publications (e.g., news releases found on the corporate website, current news reports about the economy, and/or related issues that might have impacted your selected corporation). Make predictions about your selected corporation’s performance in the next 12 to 36 months. Support your predictions with your analysis plus peer-reviewed publications.

Further down the page is information on how/where to obtain your industry ratios. You can use this source or any other credible source to identify averages and ratios relative to the industry within which your selected corporation operates. Identify and discuss the sources you used including an explanation as to why you used them.

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