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Instructions: Due Tuesday 06/13 Case Information: Select  one  of the summary cases

Instructions: Due Tuesday 06/13

Case Information:


 of the summary cases listed in the attachment to analyze

Analysis Requirements:

Based on your readings, current literature, research of the detailed case, and the Fraud Examiners Manual analyze the case you selected using the template provided in the 
Appendix (Sample Fraud Examination Reports -Short-Form Report) of the manual and be sure to include the following specific items in your report:

· As part of the Scope include specific legal aspects of the fraud suspected in the case and if you think the fraud would fall under civil, criminal, or both.

· As part of the Approach provide additional calculations based on the Financial Information provided in the case and using Excel (list as Exhibit 1) to account for the reported loss. Explain why you felt those calculations were needed in this case to accurately account for the loss.  Example,  do you think the loss may be higher or lower than reported, etc?

· As part of the Approach also include at least 2 completed 
consent forms you feel are needed in the case (list as Exhibit 2) to discover the actual amount of the loss. Samples can be found in the 
Appendix Sample Forms of your Fraud Examiner’s Manual.

· As part of the Findings identify specific legal aspects that the fraud examiner must consider in the case to the US Constitution as far as the evidence needed to convict the suspect in court.

Writing Requirements:

· 3 pages total (not including title page, abstract or reference page) using the template provided and not more than 4 pages. All exhibits need to be embedded into the Word document.

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