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Instructions: Due Wed 06/19 Using WestLaw find a case that involves the use of an expert witness in a fraud case of your choice.

Instructions: Due Wed 06/19

Using WestLaw find a case that involves the use of an expert witness in a fraud case of your choice.

Analysis Requirements:

Based on your readings, current literature, and the Fraud Examiners Manual analyze the case using the 
Appendix  (Expert Witness Report Form) of the manual and include the following specific items in your overall discussion: 

· Fill out the report as if you were the expert witness in the case you found.

· Some of the information you are going to have to infer from the case itself but be sure it is related to the case you found.  For example, if the case you found involves bank fraud it would be appropriate to talk about bank deposits, whereas if you found an inventory fraud case it may be appropriate to talk about inventory processes, etc.

· As part of the Additional Analysis section of this form discuss the significance of the Daubert case in this situation as it relates to expert witnesses.

Writing Requirements:

· 2 – 3 pages (not including title page, abstract or reference page) using the template provided in the Appendix 

· Proper APA format on citations and sources

· Minimum of 2 scholarly sources  (the full case you researched is an example of an appropriate source)

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