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  Instructions: (Please also see the attached Rubric – The program has to do with Social work or a non profit organization program, etc) In a 2-3 page paper


Instructions: (Please also see the attached Rubric – The program has to do with Social work or a non profit organization program, etc)

In a 2-3 page paper discuss the following (direct content; rubric above lists specific criteria to discuss):

The program you are evaluating (state the name) and who or how was the program created? Give a very brief summary and history of the program (provide a link to the website if applicable and cite).

What is the overall problem? What are the services the program provides?

What is the need for the program? Why does the program exist? Who does the program serve (targeted population)?

Who are the stakeholders?

Is the program effective? How (supporting data)?

What is the outcome?

Remember APA and cite any sources used.  

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