Instructions: Respond to the following two discussion posts. Kathryn Discuss how we can regard the Ten Commandments as written in two

Instructions: Respond to the following two discussion posts.


Discuss how we can regard the Ten Commandments as written in two distinct sections. 

The Ten Commandments can be divided into two distinct sections. The first four concern man’s relationship with God, and the following six concern relationships with others. As mentioned in previous discussion posts, having a right view of God allows people to have better relationships with other people. This connects the individual commandments.  

Initially, the dyads did not make sense to me, as they did not seem related to one another. After talking through the examples with my husband, it was pointed out that Commandment one, have no other gods before me and Commandment six, do not kill, are related to one another. All of God’s created people are His image-bearers and worthy of life. Just as we are supposed to value God above all else, we should also value other people.  

Share how you have been able to live out one of these dyads and how they fit together in your life experience. 

A dyad that is lived out in my life is not bowing down to other gods and not committing adultery. Both commands, like commandments one and five, require putting God and people in the correct places. This command specifically requires me to place my spouse in a proper high place. I should not put a thing, person, or idea above God in my life and should not put any other person above my husband.  


The Ten Commandments can definitely be seen as two sections. The first set of Commandments 1st through 4th is about our relationship with God. and The second set of Commandments 5th through the 10th is about our relationships with other people. I think this division makes sense because it shows how our faith and our actions towards others are connected.

For me the commandment to “Honor your father and your mother” has always been important to me and I see how it relates to “You shall not bear false witness.” Growing up my parents were big on honesty and respect, not just towards them but in all my relationships. I remember when I was younger and I didn’t always agree with their rules and sometimes it felt easier to withhold the truth to avoid getting in trouble. But when I did, it never felt right and it created distance and mistrust. Over time I learned that by being honest it showed them respect and honored the values they were trying to teach me.

Now as an adult I realize that those lessons shaped how I build trust with others. Whether it’s in my personal relationships or at work being honest and upfront even when it’s uncomfortable has helped me create genuine and stronger relationships.


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