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Instructions Before you begin this assignment, read the lesson on counterarguments and their rebuttal above. For this Writer’ Notebook, you need to


Before you begin this assignment, read the lesson on counterarguments and their rebuttal above.

For this Writer’ Notebook, you need to construct a short argument (300 words) that takes the opposite position of your working thesis for Essay 2 and then present its rebuttal.

For example, if your working thesis is about banning guns on campus, then in this assignment you should first argue the opposite, that guns should be allowed. Then, create a rebuttal for that counterargument. 

Create two paragraphs-first for counterargument and second for its rebuttal. 

The counterarguments should be presented from the point of view of those who oppose your thesis. Use expressions like this: There are those who disagree/Critics say/Those who disagree would argue that…,etc. 

DO NOT use first or second person pronouns in this assignment.

Be sure that your document is formatted correctly and that you have a proper heading in the document. If you are unsure about what is required, review the material above (or in the section on MLA and Citation) and follow the models.

Your assignment must be submitted as a .doc or .docx attachment. Also, name your file correctly (your Last Name and brief description of the assignment: e.g., Johnson, WN 1.1.docx)

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