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Instructions For this assignment, write a 300-600 words short essay in which you write about any movie you have watched using 1-2 of the guiding questions


For this assignment, write a 300-600 words short essay in which you write about any movie you have watched using 1-2 of the guiding questions given below:

  • Describe a shot, sequence, or scene that stands out to you. Sometimes just writing a good, detailed description will indicate an argument about how the filmmakers wanted us to see something in the world. 
  • Is the film often considered to be part of a wider historical or filmic movement? How does it film illustrate or complicate a certain theory, style, or genre?
  • When was the film made? How did that historical moment influence the production of the film? Were the filmmakers responding to a specific historic event? How does their depiction of that event encourage viewers to think of that event, and in turn of their present historical moment?
  • What technology was used to create this film? Does the film innovate any new uses of camera or editing technology? If so, how did this innovation influence future filmmakers

Be sure that your document is formatted correctly and that you have a proper heading in the document. If you are unsure about what is required, review the material above (or in the section on MLA and Citation) and follow the models.

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