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Instructions It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word


It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. 

Initial Response


This week we have explored Disorders of the Nervous System. Review the material covered and provide a minimum of five key points about one of the key content areas covered that are listed below.  You may include sign/symptoms, diagnostic tools, and/or treatments.
•    Review of A&P of Nervous System
•    Acute Neurological Problems
•    Chronic and Congenital Neurologic Disorders

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

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