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InstructionsPrompt:  You are the Information Security Director for a medium sized company. You recently experienced a ransom-ware attack that cost the


You are the Information Security Director for a medium sized company. You recently experienced a ransom-ware attack that cost the company $500,000.00. After the attack your CEO held a meeting and informed you and the other IT professionals that it “WILL” not happen again. Write a Directive to the employees of the company summarizing the requirement for all personnel to adopt the new 2-factor authentication for IT equipment access. Include a 30-day timeline to adopt, and the consequences of not adhering to the new policy.Instructions:

•    Write a 400-500 word policy using APA format.•    Your essay should include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.•    Follow APA format for structure. An APA template is attached here. Conduct research associated with 2-factor authentication and at a minimum cite 3 credible references beyond the course materials. Please note Wikipedia, Investopedia and similar websites are not credible academic references.

Grading Rubric: 

A rubric is provided for your convenience that details how this assignment will be graded. Please review it carefully prior to submitting your assignment. If the grading rubric does not auto-populate here, please see it by visiting the Assignment details under Course Tools.

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