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Intern Tittle: deputy court clerk  Descriptive Essay: The Descriptive Essay is a report that describes the intern’s host site and the intern’s role within

Intern Tittle: deputy court clerk 

Descriptive Essay: The Descriptive Essay is a report that describes the intern’s host site and the intern’s role within that site. It is designed to test your ability to collect data from several sources and present it in a comprehensive but concise fashion. The report should, using boldfaced section headers, provide an Introduction that briefly describes the internship host site and the intern’s role. Gather and provide background information about the host site. Then, the major part of the essay (the Main Body) must address various elements or aspects of the host site and include: information about the legal authority and scope of activity within the host site, the host site’s venue or geographic area of responsibility and coverage, the organizational and staffing structure, including the roles of executive and supervisory staff, the nature and function of the line officers (subordinate staff), funding sources, the general and specific operative goals and objectives of the host site, specific policy and decision-making mechanisms, how and the extent to which the host site interacts directly or indirectly with other components of the justice system and other public sector organizations, and how the various aspects of the host site compare/contrast to the criminal justice literature. Finally, in the Conclusion, briefly identify three significant challenges faced by the agency or organization. These challenges may be derived from your observations or interactions with staff as you go about your daily work, or after specific conversations with staff about current or ongoing challenges facing your host site. In choosing the challenges, care should be taken to limit the scope to ones that can be reasonably resolved during a semester-long internship, and avoid large, overarching issues that would take months, if not years, to resolve, keeping in mind that you will propose a solution to one of the challenges in your Resolution Essay and that you will provide a copy of the Resolution Essay to your internship host site supervisor.

Remember that the proposed solution must be legally permitted, fiscally achievable and politically acceptable.

Further, your Resolution Essay will require a minimum of three scholarly articles, so begin thinking about what journals you will use to support that assignment. Be sure to compare and contrast your host site and its challenges with similar organizations. [Assignment value: 20%; page length: 5-6 double-spaced pages; include an additional reference page if citations are appropriate or warranted in the essay]

Assignment Specifics (from Descriptive Essay assignment section of course syllabus)

The Descriptive Essay describes the intern’s host site and the intern’s role within that site:

 Boldfaced section headers (specifically:  Introduction, Description of the Host Site, and Conclusion, from Complete Guide to the Descriptive Essay and Resolution Essay Assignments, Revised January 8, 2020) Introduction briefly describing the internship host site and the intern’s role Information about the legal authority and scope of activity within the host site The host site’s venue or geographic area of responsibility and coverage The organizational and staffing structure, including the roles of executive and supervisory staff The nature and function of the line officers (subordinate staff) Funding sources General and specific operative goals and objectives of the host site Specific policy and decision-making mechanisms How and the extent to which the host site interacts directly or indirectly with other components of the justice system and other public sector organizations How the various aspects of the host site compare/contrast to the criminal justice literature Briefly identify three significant challenges faced by the agency or organization. o Limit the scope to issued that can be reasonably resolved during a semester-long internship, and avoid large, overarching issues that would take months, if not years, to resolveo The proposed solution must be: Legally permitted Fiscally achievable Politically acceptable Compare and contrast host site and its challenges with similar organizations Encouraged to cite and reference at least 3 scholarly sources for the Descriptive Essay assignment in preparation for Resolution Essay (from General Assignment Criteria section of course syllabus) For Honors College students, students interning with Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology faculty, and students interning with private law firms, note the appropriate addendum for information about the descriptive and resolution essay assignments which are incorporated into the syllabus by reference


 On a separate page with proper header APA citation and reference style Listed in alphabetical order Ensure in-body quotes are cited and properly formatted

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