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Introduction This activity is an opportunity for you to closely examine a contemporary policy issue facing the state of Texas. Over its history, the Texas


This activity is an opportunity for you to closely examine a contemporary policy issue facing the state of Texas. Over its history, the Texas government has had many conflicts with the national government as part of the dynamics under a federal system of governance. These disputes have heated up in recent years, and include immigration policy, education policy, environmental policy, social welfare policy and many others issues. Select one of personal interest and objectivelyoutline the nature of the dispute. This will allow you to work towards finding a solution. 

Take into consideration constitutional disputes as well as political, economic and cultural differences. Look at the history underlying the dispute, how it is playing out within the governing institutions, and how you think the issue may be resolved, assuming that is possible.

Completing this activity is a mandatory component of this course. It serves as the standard course assessment for all GOVT 2306 students. Failure to submit this project in its entirety may result in a failing grade for the course. There are three steps to completing this project.

Step 1: Identify the issue and how both the US government and Texas government have been currently addressing it (historical perspective). 

Step 2: Gather a minimum of three scholarly research articles and additional news/current events relevant to the topic.

Step 3: Prepare a formal policy report that is a minimum of 1000 words (excluding cited text), which includes a discussion of the following:

  • A statement of the current policy
  • Reasons for initiating changes
  • Policy options to be considered
  • Pros and cons of each option
  • Recommended course of action
  • Reasoning for selecting that course of action

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