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 Is it moral for parents to conceive a child in order to save the life of a sibling?  In this written assignment, you will create an ethics case

 Is it moral for parents to conceive a child in order to save the life of a sibling? 

In this written assignment, you will create an ethics case study based on provided topics, resources, and ethical questions. Your tasks here are to present the case study and the information necessary to consider it. You will choose one of the ethical questions provided with the case study and discuss the central moral controversy the question addresses. You will also briefly apply utilitarianism to the case study. This written assignment should be an essay and include the following sections and headings.


The use of torture by governments and regimes has occurred around the world and throughout various eras of human history.  Since 9/11 and the War on Terrorism that followed, the use of torture has come into greater scrutiny with some administrations using it to extract what they deem to be life-saving information and other administrations setting policies against the use of torture.   

The topic of torture is complex and involves many ethical issues ranging from the deprivation of human rights and the infliction of pain and suffering to the need to acquire life-saving information in situations known as the “ticking time bomb” scenarios. 

ETHICAL QUESTION:  Is it moral to use torture to extract life-saving information from a known terrorist? References

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