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It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must

It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. All posts should be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource, ideally within the last 5 years. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citations and references must adhere to APA format.

Initial Response


Also, for For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective AND show how you met each objective using both classroom and project examples.

Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to professional practice.

Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions.

Course learning objectives:

· Identify vulnerable populations to target appropriate resources to reduce disparities.

· Plan and integrate appropriate interventions to promote whole-person health and prevent disease progression.

· Examine global disease spread including epidemics.

· Examine communicable and chronic disease impact on communities.

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