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KITCHEN REN Your name here PMG640 – Project Scheduling and Cost Planning Performance Reporting Outline Template


Your name here

PMG640 –
Project Scheduling and Cost Planning

Performance Reporting Outline Template


Using the unit 5 MS Project assignment complete the following outline.

(Note: the text in RED is designed to help you write your Business Case. Please remove all red text before submitting your assignment.)

Executive Summary:


(Summarize the finding of your report briefly (1 or 2 paragraphs); this should include the major finding of your report, as well as, your recommendations. It should be concise and direct. Write this last.)

Current Status of Project:


(In this section, you want to provide details regarding the current status. Tell whether or not the project is on or behind schedule, over or under budget. If there are variances, tell why they exist. What has gone wrong? What is going right? Provide the EVM data here, including CV, CPI, SV, & SPI. Explain what these values mean. Provide a brief analysis of what has happened in the project so that the reader understands why the variances exist, specifically.)

Forecast Future Performance:


(Based on the analysis, where is this project heading? Provide a forecast of future performance using EVM. What is the EACf and ETC for this project? Be sure to explain what these numbers mean in understandable terms.)



(Because this is a case study, you have limited information, but based on your analysis, tell us what areas of the project are of concern. Is cost or time a concern in these areas? Does the scope need be considered? What are some possible solutions for cost and schedule related problems that might be applicable?)

Supporting Data:


(If relevant to your calculations and analysis, provide supporting data in the final section of the report as an appendix.)


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