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Luminator:  Locate in the reading at least two-three (2-3) particular interesting, new ideas, ‘golden line,’ or short passage in the reading.  Make sure to

Luminator:  Locate in the reading at least two-three (2-3) particular interesting, new ideas, ‘golden line,’ or short passage in the reading.  Make sure to identify the page number.  Provide a brief explanation for why you picked this passage/sentence/phrase (“I found this interesting because….”). 

Connector:  Find at least two-three (2-3) connections between the reading and the outside, even the “real” world.  Connect reading to your own life, to your school life, to happenings in your community, or to similar events at other times and in other places.  “This idea connects to….”  There are no right or wrong answers here.

Wordsmith:  Search for and record at least two-three (2-3) specific words or terms that appears important to the reading or the author.  Look for words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, mark them as you are reading, and write them down later.  Provide dictionary for definitions of the words.

  1. Make sure you are using Times New Roman, size 12.
  2. Double space (2.0) and do not forget to remove the spaces.
  3. I only accept Microsoft Word files; please do not send me anything else (no PDFs, shared documents, etc.)

This is the example:

The instructions are in two parts. The first part are the actual instructions, and the second is an example.

Luminator:  Locate in the reading at least two-three (2-3) particular interesting, new ideas, ‘golden line,’ or short passage in the reading.  Make sure to identify the page number.  Provide a brief explanation for why you picked this passage/sentence/phrase (“I found this interesting because….”). 

Connector:  Find at least two-three (2-3) connections between the reading and the outside, even the “real” world.  Connect reading to your own life, to your school life, to happenings in your community, or to similar events at other times and in other places.  “This idea connects to….”  There are no right or wrong answers here.

Wordsmith:  Search for and record at least two-three (2-3) specific words or terms that appears important to the reading or the author.  Look for words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, mark them as you are reading, and write them down later.  Provide dictionary for definitions of the words.

This is the example:

Your Name

Professor Collier

ENGL 1301-62003

March 25, 2024

                                                                          Assignment Number One


Page Four

I found the scene where Reverend Hooper attends the funeral interesting because he is still wearing the black veil which is an appropriate symbol for the ceremony. This particular scene is at the start of the short-story, and introduces the audience to the seriousness of the black veil.


Page Three


Page Six

Bugbear –

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