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   Major Assignment 3: Major World Religions Research and Powerpoint Presentation You will be assigned a major world religion. You must: 1) Define the


Major Assignment 3: Major World Religions Research and Powerpoint Presentation

You will be assigned a major world religion. You must:

1) Define the religion.

2) Country where the religion is primarily practiced.

3) Major beliefs and practices associated with this religion. 

4) Beliefs about death. 

5) Discuss funerals, burials, music, dress.

6) Beliefs about life after death. 

7) Beliefs and practices to help cope with grief and loss.

World Religions

· Buddhism

· Christianity

· Confucianism

· Islam

· Hinduism

· Judaism

· Shinto

· Sikhism

· Jainism

· Taoism

· Shamanism

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