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Memorandum Date: January 9, 2024 To: Your TA’s Name From: Your Name Subject: Salt Lake City Third District Court, January 9, 2024 at 8:30 This


Date: January 9, 2024

To: Your TA’s Name

From: Your Name

Subject: Salt Lake City Third District Court, January 9, 2024 at 8:30

This memorandum details the Court Hearing Assignment for Business Law. First, attend (whether

in person or virtually) a court hearing for at least an hour this semester. Second, write a summary

essay including both your observations of the case and an analysis of what you observed. Third,

turn in the essay on Canvas by Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

To receive full points for this assignment, you must follow the specified format and content

requirements. Formatting requirements include word count, layout, font style, font size,

margins, line spacing, and subject line. The body of your summary must contain between

250 to 300 words; include the word count at the bottom of the page. Format the essay in

memorandum style with Times New Roman Font, a 12-point font size, and single-spaced

line spacing. Margins are required to be 1 inch on all sides. Finally, include the following

information in the subject line: the court name and the date and time of the court hearing


Although the format requirements are important, your grade will also be based on content.

Content requirements include observations, analysis, and grammar. Write your observations

of the hearing, and analyze those observations. The analysis is crucial. Some thoughts to

consider in the analysis may be, but are not limited to: your thoughts on the court process; the

case’s connection to a topic from class; your predictions on what the judge and/or jury will

decide; and, if you saw the outcome of the case, your opinions on the decision. Lastly, you

will be graded on grammar; therefore, make sure you double-check your essay before you

submit the assignment.

Word Count: 272

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