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Methods and Interpretation of results worksheet Worksheet Identification of Methods and Interpretation of Results Prompt:

Methods and Interpretation of results worksheet

Identification of Methods and Interpretation of Results


Review Table 1 below and then complete the Module Six Worksheet steps.

Note: the chi-square (c2) test is covered in Module Seven.

Table 1: Characteristics of Women According to Intake of Alcohol




Test Statistic**

P value

Mean age of mother at birth (years)

+ 4.4

+ 4.4



% of mothers with education > 12 years





% of mothers who smoked during pregnancy





Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2)

+ 4.6

+ 4.3



Note: intake of alcohol was during pregnancy except for prepregnancy BMI comparison where drinking status was also prepregnancy.

*Continuous variables presented by mean
+ standard deviation, categorical variables as %

** Test statistic is either a 2 value or a t-value

Reference: Dale, M. T. G., Bakketeig, L. S., and Magnus, P. (2016). Alcohol consumption among first-time mothers and the risk preterm birth: A cohort study.
Annals of Epidemiology 26, 275–282


For this assignment, complete the following steps:

Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Use Table 1 as your source of information. Use the provided completed cells in the matrix to help you fill in the rest of the cells.

Variable 1

Variable 2

Name of Variable 1 (Provide Units or Categories)

Quantitative (continuous) or Categorical?

Name of Variable 2 (Provide Units or Categories)

Quantitative (continuous) or Categorical?

Appropriate Statistical Test to use

Corresponding Research Question

P value

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

Drinker type (nondrinker or drinker)

[Insert response.]

Two-sample independent t-test

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]


[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

Did the amount of education received vary by mothers who drank and those who did not?

[Insert response.]

Pre-pregnant intake of alcohol (drinker vs nondrinker)

[Insert response.]

Smoked during pregnancy (y/n)


[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]

Age of mother when child is born (years)

quantitative (continuous)

[Insert response.]

[Insert response.]


Write out a complete answer to each of the four research questions stated in the matrix. Be sure to state what is being compared and what group or groups did better and by how much. Also, state if the difference was statistically significant or not.

Were the values of BMI more varied among the women who drank or did not drink prior to getting pregnant? Explain how you know this.

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