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Module 3 – SLP GLOBAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT/REWARDS Global Cultural Differences Performance management systems and appraisals are very common in

Module 3 – SLP


Global Cultural Differences

Performance management systems and appraisals are very common in the United States and some other
countries. However, challenges can be experienced when performance management approaches are used
in other countries where multinational organizations have operations, or when they are used with
employees who have diverse backgrounds with characteristics very different from those of an American

In some countries and cultures, it is uncommon for managers to rate employees or to give them feedback,
particularly if some points are negative. For instance, in Saudi Arabia, China, and Japan, there is a high
respect for authority and age. Furthermore, in some cultures, employees may view criticism from superiors
as a personal attack rather than useful constructive criticism and feedback.

Task: Working with your HR Department, develop a short presentation for an orientation session with new
employees that discusses the importance of using an ethical and respectful performance management
system. Describe what it would look like with your current employer. If you are not employed, be creative
and develop one you would like to implement wherever you work in the future. Alternatively, you can refer
to this type of situation at a past employer.

Note that younger workers today do not want to see slides full of words or clip art. They want to see no
more than “5 words and a picture” on each slide, and the pictures must be of real people. All those other
words you want to put on each slide must be put on the notes pages instead of on the slides.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your presentation should be between 8 and 12 slides (not counting the cover and reference list slides) but
can be more slides to meet the preferences of today’s younger workers. (There should be only one topic
on each slide—of 5 words or less.) Each slide should have a picture of real people rather than clip art

Structure of Submission:

Use your own words, rather than copying sentences from the article.

Use a consistent font size on each slide. Add slide headings, a cover page, and a slide with your
reference list.

APA Style – Trident encourages all students to comply with guidelines for proper citation of references.
Do not copy the references from the course. Instead, look up how to format them in the guidelines
provided by your professor. See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition. or the Purdue OWL website

Include at least one high-quality reference found in the Trident Online Library in addition to the two
required readings for this assignment. Select “peer-reviewed” as a filter for results as well as a 3-year
date range to obtain the most recent published articles.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

Assignment-Driven Criteria: Cover all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.


5/30/24, 5:04 PM SLP – HRM403 Global HRM (2024APR29FT-1)


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Critical thinking: Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Viewpoints and assumptions are
analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Scholarly Writing: Uses scholarly writing to an appropriately specialized audience.

Assignment Organization and Quality References: Uses relevant and quality sources to support ideas,
and intext citations are properly formatted.

Timeliness of assignment—Assignment submitted on or before due date.

5/30/24, 5:04 PM SLP – HRM403 Global HRM (2024APR29FT-1)


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