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Module 4: Post-observation Conference with Field Supervisor (PoP Cycle 1) TCAP Components #3. Instructional Unit & #4. Analysis of

Module 4: Post-observation Conference with Field Supervisor (PoP Cycle 1)

TCAP Components #3. Instructional Unit & #4. Analysis of Student Work 

· Post Observation Conference– not later than 3-4 days after the Formal Lesson Observation.

All these MUST be submitted 24 hours prior the meeting:

1. Submit the same Students Achievement Chart from pre-observation but now with post-assessments results 

2. Submit lesson plan with revisions based on what you and your students did during the lesson that you taught. (Add questions you asked, the classroom management strategies you applied, timing for each section, feedback you provided, and etc.)

3. Submit Students’ Work (at least three examples from three different levels) with meaningful feedback  

4. Review the student work:

· what revision or what scaffolding would you provide to ensure the work is meeting the standards

5. Clearly outline how this revision provides students with opportunities to push their thinking

· Complete and submit 


Student Work Analysis_Math.docx

Download Student Work Analysis_Math.docx


Student Work Analysis_ELA.docx

Download Student Work Analysis_ELA.docx

6. Submit self-evaluation with evedence from low-inference notes 
(JUST DOMAIN 3) using 

Touro Rubric with evidence

 Download Touro Rubric with evidence

7. Contact your Field Supervisor to schedule your Post-Observation Conference not later than 3-4 days after the Formal Lesson Observation

During this meeting you will discuss the following: 

· identify your self-selected 
glow/reinforcement area (using the lens of the HLP/Danielson domain)

· justify the
 glow/reinforcement selection with evidence

· identify your self-selected
 grow/refinement area

· justify the
 grow/refinement selection with evidence

· name actionable next steps to improve the 
grow/refinement and:

· how this will positively impact student achievement

· how this will support other evaluation instrument areas

· identify 
actionable next-steps for 
sustaining performance


· identify 
actionable next-steps for 
improving performance

*actionable – strategies used by the teacher to leverage and promote student learning

TCAP Components #3 Instructional Unit & #4. Analysis of Student Work 

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