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Mrs. S. is a 75-year-old African American woman with hypertension, cardiomyopathy, type 2 diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. She comes to the clinic because of a

Mrs. S. is a 75-year-old African American woman with hypertension, cardiomyopathy, type 2 diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. She comes to the clinic because of a 10-lb weight gain and reports a shortness of breath for the past month. Mrs. S. recently moved into a three-room apartment after the death of her husband. She has an eighth-grade education.


·         Discuss ways to mitigate the risk factors for heart disease.

·         Discuss strategies for helping older patients reduce their risk factors.

·         Discuss nursing interventions for the gerontological clinical nurse.

·         Find a scholarly article and describe specialized treatments for this client.

·         Identify the priority components of a systems assessment for this client.

·         Outline steps for teaching self-care measures to the client.

·         Analyze the interrelations between multiple factors that commonly affect the incidence of heart disease in older patients. For example, describe the correlation between hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and peripheral vascular disease.

·         Investigate the local heart associations to see what educational and support programs they offer. Make a list of at least three (3) programs.

·         Access and listen to different types of heart sounds.

·         Reflect on what you learned from the assignment and how it will impact your practice in the future.


· Your paper must be in APA format and include a minimum of two (2) pages. Do not include the references. APA format must be used in citing and referencing sources.

· Double-space your paper and use Times New Roman standard 12-point font.

· Proofread your paper.  Submit your paper to “Turn-it-in.”

· A minimum of two (2) references must be used. The two references will include the required class textbook and at least one outside scholarly source (ex. journal article).

 Course Student Learning Outcome (CSLOs)

1. Analyze the challenges of anatomical and physiological changes in the aging
individual have on providing safe and effective care.

End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EOPSLOs) 

3. Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives, and client preference in planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes of care.

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