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Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Therapeutic MODALITIES Ice Pack 20 minutes Ice Massage 10-15

Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________

Therapeutic MODALITIES

Ice Pack 20 minutes

Ice Massage 10-15 minutes

Cold Water Compression 15-20 minutes

Ice Bath 10 minutes

Hydrocollator Pack 10-20 minutes

Hydrotherapy Whirlpool 10-20 minutes

Contrast Therapy 4 min HOT; 1 min COLD; 20 min Total

Ultrasound 5-10 minutes

Electrical Stimulation 12-20 minutes

DIRECTIONS: Select the appropriate modalities from the list above and treatment times
to manage the below injuries.

1. Grade 1 Ankle Sprain that occured 30 minutes ago.
Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

2. Grade 2 Ankle Sprain that occurred 2 weeks ago and the athlete is coming in for
Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

3. Acute Achilles Tendonitis that the athlete is coming in for treatment post-practice.
Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________

4. Chronic Achilles Tendonitis – Athlete is going to practice and needs treatment
Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

5. Semi-Acute Hip Bursitis that started last week and the athlete needs treatment
before practice.
Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

6. Thigh Contusion that occurred 2 weeks ago and the athlete is going to practice
Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

7. Grade 3 Ankle Sprain that occured 4-5 days ago.

Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

8. Chronic Patellar Tendonitis and the athlete is going to practice and needs

Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

9. Acute Calf Strain that occured during practice.
Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

10. Chronic Patellar Tendonitis and the athlete is finishing practice and needs

Modality: _________________________________________________________
Treatment Time: ___________________________________________________

11.What should the temperature of an ice bath be? __________________________

12.What should the temperature of the tubs be in contract therapy?
Hot: _________________________
Cold: ________________________

Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________

13. What are the four sensations that your athlete can expect to feel when using an
ice bath and at what times do they occur?
Sensation: _____________________ Minutes: _____________________
Sensation: _____________________ Minutes: _____________________
Sensation: _____________________ Minutes: _____________________
Sensation: _____________________ Minutes: _____________________

14.What is a coupling agent and when would you use it?

15.When is it contraindicated to use electrical stimulation?

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