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Need assistance.  ENG 130 Module Three Written Response Template Summaries, Quotes, and Paraphrases Complete this template by replacing the

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ENG 130 Module Three Written Response Template
Summaries, Quotes, and Paraphrases

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Write a brief
summary of the text chosen for the project. [Insert text.]

Choose one sentence from the text and incorporate it as a
quote in an original sentence. [Insert text.]

Take the same sentence from the text and incorporate it as a
paraphrase in an original sentence.
[Insert text.]

in-text citations throughout the assignment to properly cite the writer’s ideas according to APA or MLA standards.

· Use either APA or MLA standards to properly cite the writer’s ideas in your summary as well as in the sentences where you quoted and paraphrased the writer’s work.


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