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Need help with a question Week 2 (Due ASAP) This week you will continue to work on the BCC Enterprise Information Security Program by creating the

Need help with a question

Week 2 (Due ASAP)

This week you will continue to work on the BCC Enterprise Information Security Program by creating the BCC Enterprise Security Strategic Plan. Use information completed from Week 1 and information gained this week to complete the BCC Enterprise Strategic Plan.

Part 1

Write a 5- to 6-page BCC Enterprise Information Security Strategic Plan that includes the following:

· Information security vision, mission, and objectives

· Balanced scorecard for each domain

· Control framework and major security areas to be assessed (COBIT or ISO 27002)

· SWOT analysis of the internal and external assessment identifying at least three security initiatives that improve the security objectives

· Operational action plan to complete the security initiatives


Part 2

Create a 6- to 8-slide, media-rich Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:

· Define at least three key performance indicators for the security objectives and initiatives.

· Align the key performance indicators to the security objectives and initiatives as specified in the BCC profile.

Include a title slide. 

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