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Need help with a question Week 4 (Due 6/24/2024) This week you will use relevant information on capital investment opportunities to

Need help with a question

Week 4 (Due 6/24/2024)

This week you will use relevant information on capital investment opportunities to
develop recommendations for financial decisions on purchasing a new intrusion detection system (IDS) server. The current server is on an unsupported Windows Server® 2003 operating system.

Part 1

Create a 4- to 5-page BCC Enterprise Capital Investment recommendation for implementing a new server to host the current IDS. The BCC Enterprise Capital Investment recommendation must include the following:

· Description of the current system

· Summary of the security vulnerabilities due to an unsupported Windows® operating system

· Preliminary feasibility study

· Total cost of ownership (TCO)

· Return on investment (ROI)

· At least two solution options

· Recommendations


Part 2

Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsotf® PowerPoint® presentation on the financial decision comparing your BCC Enterprise Capital Investment recommendation with the IPS Budget Plan completed in Week Three. The purpose is to provide a recommendation to BCC leadership on the prioritization of spending for these two initiatives. The presentation should include the following:

· Title slide

· Summary of each initiative

· TCO matrix that compares both initiatives

· ROI matrix that compares both initiatives

· Recommendation based on the TCO and ROI for each initiative

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