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 Need help with my nursing course 4010 Paper 2 helpful activity (NOT GRADED) ACTIVITY (The PDSA cycle)

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4010 Paper 2
helpful activity (NOT GRADED)


Which of the following are best practices for the Plan step of the PDSA Cycle? (Select all that apply).
Select all answers that apply

a) Prioritize those areas over which you have no control.

b) Involve your team.

c) Consider clinical and clerical staff members.

d) Avoid areas of frustration.

e) Avoid workflow bottlenecks.

f) Select the initiative.

Which of the following are best practices for the Do step of the PDSA Cycle? (Select all that apply).
Select all answers that apply

a) Test only those solutions for which you are unsure of the results.

b) Communicate with the team.

c) Do not share process failures.

d) For a large project, jump in and make multiple, large-scale changes.

e) Dialogue about adoption.

f) Conduct regular process checks.

Which of the following are best practices for the Study step of the PDSA Cycle? (Select all that apply).
Select all answers that apply

a) Compare results to expectations.

b) Analyze only the data collected before testing solutions.

c) Measure the solution’s ineffectiveness.

d) Settle for a less-than-satisfactory solution due to time factors.

e) Determine whether the data supports the hypothesis.

f) Compare the results from a small sample against the expectations identified in the Plan phase.

Which of the following are best practices for the Act step of the PDSA Cycle? (Select all that apply).
Select all answers that apply

a) Waste resources by rolling out an ineffective solution.

b) Implement any solution you think will work.

c) While implementing the solution, start looking for additional ways to improve.

d) Consider the initiative done once the process has been implemented.

e) Implement the best solution.

f) Consider the implemented process the new baseline.

How can the PDSA Cycle be applied to help drive continuous improvement in health care settings?


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