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Neurologic Function Case Study  Pain and Neurologic Syndromes    Instructions   For

Neurologic Function Case Study 

Pain and Neurologic Syndromes



For this case study, you will create a case related to the Neurological Functions.


Download this document, type your answers, and include references (including in-text citations per item). Then, upload it to this assignment page.  


Neurological Function 


Part 1:

Compare and contrast the 3 conditions in

of the charts below: 



Migraine Headaches 

Tension Headaches 


Risk Factors 








Clinical Manifestations 











Risk Factors 








Clinical Manifestations 




Part 2:

Choose a
pain or
neurologic syndrome to explore.

Present a hypothetical case that includes the following:

1. Vital information about a person who might be predisposed to this condition (I.e., a person who may have risk factors for this condition). 

2. The pathophysiology of the disease, including clinical manifestations.

3. Which diagnostic tests you’d recommend and a rationale for the one(s) you choose.

4. How this condition compares to other differentials.

5. The evidence-based recommendations from the

AHRQ Guidelines
or guidelines recommended from a professional organization. Based on these recommendations, discuss how  to manage the condition best.

6. A patient safety issue that could be associated with the condition presented in this case.

These charts may help in organizing information to answer the narrative questions: 

Name of Condition: 

Risk factors 




Clinical manifestations 


Additional details (optional): 


Differential Diagnoses (See chart below) 


What makes this diagnosis unique from other differentials? 


Guidelines and recommendations for condition management

Potential related safety issues





Differential 1

Differential 2

Differential 3

Risk factors 










Clinical manifestations 





Additional details (optional): 





Unique characteristics 







The Case:

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