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Newspaper Article Project Guidelines  Use the Seven-Step Decision Model for objectively analyzing Ethical/Bioethical Issues. You must locate 2 articles

Newspaper Article Project Guidelines 

Use the Seven-Step Decision Model for objectively analyzing Ethical/Bioethical Issues.

You must locate 2 articles that have an ethical/bioethical dilemma.

A dilemma is when someone has a decision to make as to do something or not. Example, Should a person be taken off life support or not. It should not be something that is just illegal, like fraudulently billing Medicare and Medicaid. There is no dilemma there as it is just illegal and should not be done.

Follow this outline for your papers. You might want to print it out and use it for your notes or rough draft.

  • Type the questions on your papers, and then answer them using complete sentences.
  • Your papers should look very similar to this one, but your answers should be in complete sentences.
  • You may use this outline as a guide for your papers only. Do not copy this outline and fill in the blanks for your project. You must type the questions and answers.
  • You must type your reports for credit. No paper handwritten will be given any credit.
  • You must have the sources and dates of the articles highlighted or circled for credit.
  • Only articles from 2015 to present may be accepted for credit. Any articles before 2015 will not be given any credit or graded.
  • Of utmost importance, your articles must pertain to medical information that has ethical or bioethical issues.
  • Each 7 step model for each article should be at least one page in length.
  • You must attach the article to the drop box and highlight the date and source. If I cannot see the date, no credit will be given. If the date is not from 2015-present, no credit will be given. No points will be awarded for articles published before January 2015. I will not accept a link for the article; it must be copied and sent as an attachment. If we do not receive the articles with the reports, points will be deducted. The instructor must be able to read the articles as well when they are uploaded. 

Project Outline

Student Name:

Article Name:

Article Date and Source:

Determine the facts by asking the following questions:

1. What do we need to know?

2. Who is involved in the situation?

3. Where does the ethical/bioethical situation take place?

4. When did it occur?

5. Define the precise ethical issue. Tell us exactly what your dilemma is for your article.

6. Identify any major principles and/or values that pertain to this article. For example, is this a matter of integrity, equality, respect for others or profit? (The list of the principles and values is on pages 14-16 in your textbook and you need to list at least three and explain why you think they pertain to your article.)

7. Specify the alternatives. List the major alternative courses of action, including those that represent some form of compromise. This may be a choice between simply doing or not doing something.

8. Compare values and alternatives. Using the answers from III and IV, determine if there is one principle or value, or a combination or principles and values, that is so compelling that the proper alternative is clear.

9. Assess the consequences. Identify short-term, long-term, positive, and negative consequences for the major alternatives. The short-term gain or loss is often overridden when long-term consequences are considered. This step often reveals an unanticipated result of major importance.

10. Short-term gain/loss:

11. Long-term gain/loss:

12. Make a decision. The consequences are balanced against one’s primary principles or values. Always double-check your decision. Give your opinion on the decision reached in the article. Do you feel the consequences are balanced against the principles/values used to make the decision in the article? Would you have decided differently?

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