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Organizations often provide great resources for scholars working in specific fields. The student/scholar looking into the Battle of Gettysburg might find

Organizations often provide great resources for scholars working in specific fields. The student/scholar looking into the Battle of Gettysburg might find great information and some key leads by looking at the Gettysburg Foundation website (   ). The student studying steam-powered trains might be similarly aided by a visit to the website for the National Railway Museum in the UK ( ) or the National Railway Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin, linked ( )The student studying a particular author like C.S. Lewis might be likewise surprised to discover the resources available at the C.S. Lewis Foundation ( ). Conduct some creative research of your own and find an organizational website that adds to the information you have gathered already for your project. In your initial post, share with fellow students what you discovered and how you intend to use the information.  Include the link to the organization’s website. 200-250 wrds

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