ORGL-430 Week 3 Part A 300 words How can an understanding of emotional intelligence (EI), benefit the leader of a team and its members? Do you think


Week 3

Part A 300 words

How can an understanding of emotional intelligence (EI), benefit the leader of a team and its members? Do you think that teams with a higher level of EI and understanding will perform better overall? Why or why not?

Reflect when you have been part of a team. 

Describe several things you did in the role that worked well.

Describe several things you did that did not work well, explain why they not work and what you would now do differently. 

Team Leaders will write a one page summary for the team contrasting the similarities and differences for each team member reference the two questions above.

Part B 300 words

How can an understanding of emotional intelligence (EI), benefit the leader of a team and its members? Do you think that teams with a higher level of EI and understanding will perform better overall? Why or why not?

Your initial response should be a minimum 300 words.


Read “6 Signs of an Emotionally Intelligent Team (Boss, 2018)

Read “10 Reasons Why Teams Need Emotional Intelligence (Nadler, 2017)

 Watch “6 Characteristics of a High-Performance Culture” (Newton Institute, 2017)

Watch “Effective Team Management – the Secret of Team Success” (Comm Lab India, 2013)

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