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Over the last four weeks, you have learned about corrections, how it functions, and the various populations that are served. The goal of corrections is not

Over the last four weeks, you have learned about corrections, how it functions, and the various populations that are served. The goal of corrections is not to keep people incarcerated; it is to rehabilitate offenders. This week you focus on a large component of reentry and community corrections programs.

Imagine you work for a community corrections agency, and you are investigating new program opportunities to partner with. You have been asked to present your findings in your team meeting.

Research community correction programs and parole/probation in your state.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you: 

  • Define community corrections.
  • Identify at least 2 community corrections programs available in your state.
  • Compare the need each program is meant to address, as well as the population each is meant to serve.
  • Explain how each program works.
  • Describe the requirements to enter and remain in each program.
  • Explain which program you feel is most effective and why. Provide support for your argument.
  • Identify steps to be taken to increase inmate participation in correction programs.

Include detailed speaker notes.  

Cite at least 2 sources to support your assignment. 

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.  

Submit your assignment.

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