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Overview A project management office (PMO) is designed to support project managers and project teams and can play a significant role in the success rates


A project management office (PMO) is designed to support project managers and project teams and can play a significant role in the success rates of projects. The PMO’s goals are to improve project success, standardize processes, encourage teams to follow consistent methodology, improve the management of projects, and encourage effective communication. The PMO is a great resource for the project manager. Data suggest that when an organization has an effective PMO, there is a reduction in project cycle time and a decrease in project failure rate.


Write a short paper describing the PMO’s function in an organization where you are currently employed or have been employed in the past. If you do not have a PMO function in an organization you are familiar with, research an organization and respond to these questions based on your research. Reference Chapter 3 in your textbook, Project Management: The Managerial Process, as you complete this assignment.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  • Describe the function of the PMO.
  • What does the PMO do well?
  • How does it support the project management function?
  • What does it do to enhance project management in your organization?
  • What skill sets do the PMO team members have that sets them apart from project managers?

What to Submit

Your paper must be submitted as a 2-to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and all sources cited in APA format.

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