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  Part 1: Creating a Transition Plan Read “Case Scenario: Alex.” Create an IDEA-compliant transition plan for Alex using a template of your choice. The


Part 1: Creating a Transition Plan

Read “Case Scenario: Alex.” Create an IDEA-compliant transition plan for Alex using a template of your choice. The plan should address the following.

  • Identify Alex’s strengths, preferences, and interests.
  • Measurable postsecondary goals for education/vocational training, jobs and employment, and independent living.
  • Support for IEP goals and services including transition activities and people/agencies who can provide support.


Part 2: Sharing a Transition Plan

 explains the transition plan you have created to Alex, his parents/guardians, and others who support Alex in meeting his goals. The short response should address the following.

  • Explain all parts of the transition plan.
  • Identify 2-3 strategies that will be employed to promote a successful transition for Alex.
  • Describe 2-3 collaboration strategies that you can use when working with Alex and his parents/guardians as the transition plan is executed and progress towards his goals is monitored.

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