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Part 4.1 Adolescent Development You read chapters about middle childhood through early adolescence. Consider that there are many challenges for this

Part 4.1 Adolescent Development

You read chapters about middle childhood through early adolescence. Consider that there are many challenges for this age group: peer relationships, puberty, sexual identity, multicultural development, media/social media and anxiety to name a few. Reflect on your own experiences growing up when thinking about this assignment.

For this assignment you will choose a movie or tv show that focuses on this age group (see Resources section for suggestions). Choose a character from the movie/tv show that you would counsel and create a dialogue discussing the issue at hand. Utilize your theoretical orientation and techniques in your dialogue. Once you have done this, reflect on your dialogue for Part 4.2.

Part 4.2

In Part 4.1 you created a therapeutic dialogue between a character from a movie/tv show. For this assignment you will need to reflect on your own experiences and your choice for picking this character. Discuss and analyze your dialogue and your experiences for 4.2.

Answer the following questions in a narrative APA format:

I. Introduction

a. Name the movie/tv show you picked and a short summary about the character you chose.

II. Personal reflection

a. reflection of your own middle school-adolescent experiences (whatever you are comfortable discussing)

b. why did you choose the character?

c. Reflect on the therapeutic dialogue with character

i. issues for that character

1. does social media play a role/in the movie/tv show? If so, describe how this influences the character. If not, what if that was added? How would this add to/or take away from the issues

ii. implications for character

III. Theoretical Orientation with the dialogue/character

a. Description of theoretical orientation utilized.

b. Techniques, reflection statements, etc. used with this theory/ies and student/client

c. why chosen for this client/student

IV. Moving forward

a. describe what the therapeutic process might look like in your sessions relating to your theoretical orientation with your student.

b. Discuss developmental approaches and why these would be appropriate (you may include creative therapies, utilizing a team/whole child approach, etc. If referring out (as a school counselor) what would you do in school to work with the student?

This assignment is worth 50 points and is due on Sunday (Day 7) at 11:59pm CST.

Both assignments should be in one document. Please note Parts 4.1 and 4.2 at the beginning of each assignment.

Criteria: Adolescent development

Highly Developed

Well Developed

In Development

Needs development

Part 4.1: Dialogue

50 points

Students created a dialogue between counselor and adolescent that represents adolescent language. Students identified theory/theories that they utilized in this dialogue.

45-50 points

Demonstrated clear, thorough, and concisely represented dialogue between counselor and child. Dialogue that used counseling theory/techniques are clearly identified in paper.

39-44 points

Demonstrated an adequate representation of dialogue between counselor and child. Dialogue that used counseling theory/techniques were identified.

33-38 points

Dialogue lacked thoroughness and clarity. Theory was not adequately identified.

0-32 points

Some areas of this section were not addressed. Descriptions contained insufficient depth and/or were incomplete.

Part 4.2: Introduction and Personal reflection

10 points

Students named a movie/tv show character they used and wrote a short summary of the character chosen. Students also reflected on their own middle school/adolescent experiences and described: why they chose the character, reflect on the dialogue with the character (issues), implications.

10 points

Students named a movie/tv show character they used and wrote a short summary of the character chosen. Students also thoroughly reflected on their own middle school/adolescent experiences and described: why they chose the character, reflect on the dialogue with the character (issues, theory/techniques), implications.

9 points

Students named a movie/tv show character they used and wrote a short summary of the character chosen. Students adequately reflected on their own middle school/adolescent experiences and described: why they chose the character, reflect on the dialogue with the character (issues, theory/techniques), implications.

7-8 points

Students named a movie/tv show character they used and wrote a short summary of the character chosen. Students partially reflected on their own middle school/adolescent experiences and described: why they chose the character, reflect on the dialogue with the character (issues, theory/techniques), implications.

0-6 points

Some areas of this section were not addressed. Descriptions contained insufficient depth and/or were incomplete.

Part 4.2 Theoretical Orientation


Students described theoretical orientation utilized. Students also discussed techniques, reflection statements, etc. used with this theory/ies and student/client, and why chosen for this client/student

10 points

Students thoroughly described theoretical orientation utilized. Students also discussed techniques, reflection statements, etc. used with this theory/ies and student/client, and why chosen for this client/student

9 points

Students adequately described theoretical orientation utilized. Students also discussed techniques, reflection statements, etc. used with this theory/ies and student/client, and why chosen for this client/student

7-8 points

Students partially described the theoretical theory and left out several subsections.

0-6 points

Some areas of this section were not addressed. Descriptions contained insufficient depth and/or were incomplete.

Part 4.2 Moving Forward

20 points

Students described what the therapeutic process might look like in sessions relating to their theoretical orientation with their student.

They discussed developmental approaches and why these would be appropriate

18-20 points

Students clearly described what the therapeutic process might look like in sessions relating to their theoretical orientation with their student.

They discussed developmental approaches and why these would be appropriate

15-17 points

Students adequately described what the therapeutic process might look like in sessions relating to their theoretical orientation with their student.

They discussed developmental approaches and why these would be appropriate.

12-14 points

Students somewhat described what the therapeutic process might look like in sessions relating to their theoretical orientation with their student.

Sections of the outline were left out and/or not fully addressed.

0-11 points

Some areas of this section were not addressed. Descriptions contained insufficient depth and/or were incomplete.

Writing Mechanics and APA Grammar and Format:

5 points.

Papers are written using APA 7th edition formatting

5 points

No more than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and/or APA errors. Clarity of paper was not influenced by the errors.

4 points

More than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or APA errors. Clarity of paper was not strongly influenced by the errors.

3 points

More than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or APA errors that had a negative influence on the clarity of the paper.

0-2 points

More than three grammatical, spelling, punctuation, or APA errors that had a strong negative influence on the clarity of the paper.


5 points

Two professional sources are used to support points

5 points

2 professional source (e.g., journal article, textbook) or more are used throughout the paper as appropriate to thoroughly support ideas, and was documented in the references list.

4 points

2 professional sources were used to adequately support ideas and was documented in the reference list.

3 points

1-2 sources/not a professional source was used to support ideas and is documented in the reference list.

0-2 points

0-1 sources were used. Ideas were insufficiently supported.

Total: 100 points

4.1 and 4.2


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