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Pick 1 work of art. It can be a sculpture, painting, photograph.  Study the work of art so you can describe it for your paper. Write a formal analysis

  1. Pick 1 work of art. It can be a sculpture, painting, photograph.  Study the work of art so you can describe it for your paper.
  2. Write a formal analysis about the work of art. Consider the use of: shape, line, color, texture, scale, proportion, balance, contrast, and rhythm. Not all of these visual elements may be important: examine which ones contribute to the work’s success. Describe how the artist uses these elements to create a particular effect. Refer to Chapters 4 and 5.

Use specific visual evidence to support your argument, and write in correct essay style with an introduction paragraph and thesis statement, paragraphs with topic sentences, and a conclusion paragraph. Your paper must be in MLA format.

  1. Include an image.  Make sure to cite your image within your paper.


  • Format:Typed, double-spaced in 12 point readable font, with no additional spacing between paragraphs. Indent the first line of each paragraph to indicate paragraph transitions
  • Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics: Use tools to check your spelling and grammar. Read your final draft carefully for errors not caught by tools. Make sure to spell check and capitalize proper names
  • Citation style:The paper must be written in correct MLA style or CMS style. You must cite your sources! If you do not cite your sources you will get a zero. And if you use AI-generating.
  • Essay style:paper must be organized and written in complete Standard English sentences and include an introduction, thesis statement, supporting arguments/evidence, and a conclusion.
  • Length: 3 pages of text. This does not include the image, works cited page or title page.

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