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Pick a social issue that is personally important to you, and decide what your stance on it is. In a short essay, lay out the following: Why is this

Pick a social issue that is personally important to you, and decide what your stance on it is. In a short essay, lay out the following:

Why is this important, and why are you right? (Use supporting arguments with detail and support from credible sources)

Topic:The impact of media portrayal on body image and self-esteem 

Thesis Statement: The influence of body images in media can be vigorously detrimental to the well-being of individuals, particularly the youths, who are constantly exposed to previews that depict unrealistic body images that lead to feelings of worthlessness, body shame and other mental disorders such as eating disorders.

This should be 3-5 pages in correct MLA format, including a works cited page. Works cited does not count as one of your pages. 3 credible sources required

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