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Please Answer each question separately with at least 250 words 2 in text citations for each question and 2 references for each question. 1.As a way to

Please Answer each question separately with at least 250 words 2 in text citations for each question and 2 references for each question.

1.As a way to survive today’s rapidly changing completive global economy, organizations are networking outside their own organizations. What are the most significant emerging forms of organizing? What are the primary opportunities and challenges associated with the new forms? Why are these opportunities and challenges significant?

2.Review the narrative in the Purpose of the Study section of Chapter 3 in the most current version of the Dissertation Template to identify the purpose statement format required by Grand Canyon University (GCU). The Template can be accessed at   

Review the following purpose statements considering the format you observed by reading the narrative in the Purpose of the Study section of Chapter 3 of the Dissertation Template:

QuantitativeThe purpose of this quantitative, causal-comparative study is to examine if a relationship exists between the instructor’s number of announcements and discussion board posts and student grades in online biology classes at universities located in Arizona.

QualitativeThe purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study is to examine how students enrolled in online biology classes describe how interactions with their instructor and other students influences final grades. ​

Using the following criteria table adapted from the Dissertation Template, score each of the above purpose statements and state your scores. Why did you score the purpose statements as you did?


*(Score = 0, 1, 2, or 3)

Learner Score

Qualitative Purpose Statement

This statement is one sentence that identifies the research methodology, design, problem statement, and geographic location. This is presented as a declarative statement: “The purpose of this qualitative [design] study is to … [include the Problem Statement] at a [setting/geographic location].”

Quantitative Purpose Statement

This statement is one sentence that identifies the research methodology, design, problem statement, and geographic location. This is presented as a declarative statement: “The purpose of this quantitative [design] study is to determine if and to what extent [include the Problem Statement] at [setting/geographic location].”

*Score each requirement listed in the criteria table using the following scale:

0 = Item Not Present or Unacceptable. Substantial Revisions are Required.

1 = Item is Present. Does Not Meet Expectations. Revisions are Required.

2 = Item is Acceptable. Meets Expectations. Some Revisions May be Suggested or Required.

3 = Item Exceeds Expectations. No Revisions are Required.

Considering the format you observed by reading the narrative in the Purpose of the Study section of Chapter 3 of the Dissertation Template and having scored two sample purpose statements using the above criteria tables, draft an initial purpose statement for your proposed dissertation research study. Post it with your response to the above question. Be sure to use the appropriate format for your intended methodology (quantitative or qualitative). This statement will be refined several times as your study progresses.

After you post your response including your evaluation of the sample purpose statements and your own draft purpose statement, use the criteria table above to evaluate the responses of your classmates.

Revise your own work based on the feedback from classmates and your instructor, and post your revised purpose statement to the forum.Paste the revised purpose statement into the relevant section of Chapter 3 in the Dissertation Template.

Save the revised template with your work to your computer using the naming convention DissertationDraft.LastName,FirstName.Date, and attach the saved document to your final response in the forum. Note: The dissertation process is an iterative process. Each segment of the dissertation will undergo several reviews and revisions during the process.

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