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Please assist with this assignment, see instructions in file attached. Paper – Labor Relations You may write on any labor relations topic you

Please assist with this assignment, see instructions in file attached.

Paper – Labor Relations

You may write on any labor relations topic you choose.  It can be one that is discussed in the main textbook by Holley et al., or any other labor relations topic you want to research. Your paper must be 3-5 pages, not including the ancillary pages:  title page, table of contents, abstract or executive summary (recommended but not required), tables and graphics (if needed), and references. The papers must meet the following conditions: (1) identify the topic, history, development, and/or individuals associated with topic; (2) select at least two current (less than 5 years old) peer-reviewed academic journal articles based on the selected topic, provide a summary of each article and how they relate to the chosen topic; and (3) provide an example of how and where the topic applies to an organization you are familiar with which has a collective bargaining unit (union).

The APA (7th ed.) is the guiding manual for form and style for these papers. An excellent online source for APA style is the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL), which may be found at:

 (Links to an external site.)

You are expected to find relevant, recent, and credible research, a majority of which is no older than 5 years. Under no circumstances will references from dictionaries or encyclopedias be accepted as references, including online sources such as Wikipedia. 
No more than 15% of your paper should be from direct quotes. No references can be listed on the reference page that are not cited in the text of your paper. All papers must be double-spaced with 1″ margins, using Times New Roman 12-point font.

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