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Please be sure to make improvements to your research paper, check it one last time for errors in spelling/word choice, sentence structure (no fragments and

Please be sure to make improvements to your research paper, check it one last time for errors in spelling/word choice, sentence structure (no fragments and no run-on sentences), and anything else that would make your paper better. Be sure you have added in-text citations for each supporting paragraph!

You must have in-text citation from “Fed Up” and any other source you used in each supporting paragraph in order to earn credit for this paper! 

Please be sure your paper is written in MLA format (see my comments on the MLA paper assignment for suggestions) and includes a running head. Again, you may use OWL Purdue as your source for MLA formatting as found in the following link:


When you are finished with your paper, be sure to add a title that fits your thesis statement (just use the important words from your theses statement) and add a Words Cited page. See Own Purdue link below:

LinkLinks to an external site.

 (Links to an external site.)

Please be sure to check my grading rubric before submitting your paper.

Your paper must be written in Word.

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