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Please complete attachment Learning Objectives Upon completion of this lab students will be able to; A. Demonstrate ability to search the internet

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Learning Objectives Upon completion of this lab students will be able to;

A. Demonstrate ability to search the internet for information relevant to Climate Change, and to judge the value of the information based on source, accuracy and veracity.

B. Demonstrate ability to separate opinion from fact when looking at Climate Change resources available in the internet.

C. Apply researched data in order to present climate change problems and solutions.

Activity Instructions

1. Students will search the internet for a a current news story (published in the last year) that relates to Climate Change. The story can be in the form of a video news clip, a journal oe newspaper article, a podcast or a documentary. 

2. Once the student has identified the current news story they want to use, they should create a script for a YouTube Video. YESSS thats right, you are going to imagine you are a Youtuber with a promi$ing Youtube Channel. The script can be constructed using WORD or POWERPOINT.

3. Keep in mind that your audience is composed of students like you. Non-majors with little science background. This means you are targeting the general public, so beware of using materials that are too complicated, or require advanced knowledge.

4. The Original Video plan should include the following:

· Title, name and date. (5 points)

· Identify the original Current News you are using as a base for your video, and give a link I can click on to check it out. (15 points)

· Search the internet for at least 2 additional information sources that will help you round up or expand the information from the original news source. Include the two references or clickable links. (20)

· Develop the script you plan to use. Make sure you include any pictures, sounds or short videos you are planning to incorporate or sample into your Original Video.(40)

· Write a question you would ask your viewers to answer in your Comments section.

· What do you expect would be the reaction of your viewers? Give a good comment and a bad comment example (KEEP IT PG!!)

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