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Please consider a health topic you would like to explore in a research paper. For example, do you know of someone with diabetes and would like to learn

Please consider a health topic you would like to explore in a research paper. For example, do you know of someone with diabetes and would like to learn more about how to help your friend or family member? Do you, or someone you know, suffer from anxiety disorder and would like to learn about causes and treatments for this condition?

Our second paper is about health concerns. You may select just about any mental or physical health topic you would like to explore. We will find four TCC Library sources as a base to write this paper. In the end, our final draft will contain at least six paragraphs, each at least four sentences in length. We will write the final draft in MLA format and include in-text citations and a Works Cited page. But that is the end of this assignment, not the beginning.

To begin, I would like to you select a health topic you would like to explore. Please write that topic down now.

Next, set a timer on your phone or use an egg timer (or a stopwatch) and use one of our prewriting techniques for 10 minutes. Just keep your typing or pencil/pen going for that 10 minutes. Write down everything that comes to mind on your topic.

Here are the ways to prewrite as covered in our first paper:

Please watch the following video on prewriting:

LinkLinks to an external site.

Now, please watch this next video on prewriting:

LinkLinks to an external site.

Once you are finished, review what you wrote and “mine” it for the best starting point for your research. For example, you may select diabetes and, after prewriting, decided you want to study ways to prevent diabetes. That is your starting point and a good question to use (How do people avoid diabetes?) you could now use to conduct research.

In the text box, or as an attachment, please submit:

1. Your prewriting exercise.

2. Your refined topic or research question.

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