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  Please provide a speak over PowerPoint presentation on the utilization of one of the following nonpharmacological psychotherapy approach for the


Please provide a speak over PowerPoint presentation on the utilization of one of the following nonpharmacological psychotherapy approach for the diagnosis and treatment of a behavioral disorder of your choice based on the reading of the course material. 

Nonpharmacological Psychotherapy Options

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Please include the following slides in your presentation (you can use the sample provided)

  • Title slide
  • Intro slide 
  • Case scenario summary slide (patient name, diagnosis, background)
  • Mental status assessment slide (perception, thought process, content of thought, judgment, insight, cognition)
  • Selected therapy slide (Please include a description and the goals of the therapy of your choice) 
  • Selected therapy slide (Why did you select this therapy for your specific case study? )
  • Expected outcomes (Include the outcomes that you expect your patient to accomplish)
  • Conclusion slide
  • Reference slide

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