please read all files – Paper #1 Major Paper – Analysis of a Spiritual Care Concept Student Name:

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– Paper #1

Major Paper – Analysis of a Spiritual Care Concept

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Body of Paper

Introduction (thesis statement, modern dictionary definition and Bible dictionary definition of concept & areas to be explored in the paper)


Research: Theology

2. Concept in the Old Testament:

Several Hebrew terms are introduced and the meanings of them provided, using concordance and lexicon.

A minimum of four quotes that use the concept are given.

The context is explained for each quote.

An analysis is given for each and/or for the several quotes combined, showing differences and similarities of usage in the OT.


3. Concept in the New Testament

Several Greek terms are introduced and the meanings of them provided, using concordance and lexicon.

A minimum of four quotes that use the concept are given.

The context is explained for each quote.

An analysis is given for each and/or for the several quotes combined, showing differences and similarities of usage in the NT. NT use of the concept is compared to the OT usage.


Analysis & Text Mechanics

4. APA Format, references, and citations


5. Grammar/form/spelling/punctuation






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