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Please reply to the following discussion with one or more references. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of

Please reply to the following discussion with one or more references. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite resources in your responses to other classmates.  

T. Reid 

Hello everyone,

Public health refers to the government and public health agencies efforts to promote and protect the health of the entire population. It focuses on preventing diseases and promoting healthy behaviors through various interventions such as vaccination programs, disease screening and treatments,  health education programs, as well as monitoring and modifying the environmental, social, economic, and political environment to improve the health of the public (Edemekong and Tenny, 2024).

Population health is a broader concept that encompasses the health outcomes of a specific group or population. It considers various factors that influence health, including social determinants of health, health care access, and individual behaviors. Population health aims to improve the overall health of a specific population by addressing the underlying determinants of health and promoting equitable health care. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2024), views population health as an interdisciplinary and modifiable approach that allows local health departments to connect practice to policy for change to happen.

There difference between the two is that public health works to protect and improve the health of communities through various means in order to collectively facilitate conditions in which people can be healthy. Population health allows local health care agencies, systems and organizations the liberty to improve health outcomes of the communities they serve (CDC, 2024)

The doctorate prepared nurse (DNP) plays a vital role in both public health and population health. As advanced practice nurses, DNP’s are well positioned to contribute to public health initiatives through their expertise in health care delivery, policy, and research.  DNP’s can collaborate with public health agencies and communities to develop and implement programs that address population health needs, promote health equity, and prevent diseases. The nursing profession carries the trust of the public. “With that trust, we are charged, empowered, and accountable to improve health across all populations, reduce fragmentation, create access points, develop partnerships, educate, and create systems that strengthen individuals and communities alike”(Start, 2024, p.2).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). What is Population Health? 

Retrieved May 30, 2024, from

Edemekong PF, Tenny S. (2022). Public Health-StatPearls. National Institute of Health, Retrieved on May 30, 2024, from:                                                                   

Start, R. (2024). Transforming Patient and Population Care to Achieve Health Equity, Access, and Well-Being. AAACN Viewpoint46(2), 2–3.

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