please reveiw the attachment for instructions.     W1 Discussion Instructions: SQL and Join   In 250 word, answer

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W1 Discussion Instructions: SQL and Join


In 250 word, answer the questions below with 4 evidence base scholarly articles. APA format, due 15 Nov 24. 

1. Describe conceptually how an SQL retrieval query will be executed by specifying the conceptual order of executing each of the six clauses.

2. Discuss the various types of join operations (inner vs. outer) with a brief description of where best to use them.


400 word total, replying to the two post below. Each reply must be 200 word each for post 1 and post 2. 



J.B Post #1

Hell Class, 

According to our reading, “Fundamentals of Database Systems” by Shamkant Navathe and Ramez Elmasri, conceptually a SQL retrieval query requires six steps. First, one must SELECT specific data from the database. This allows users to know what data they are looking for. Essentially, causing one to select data from one or more tables. Second, one must specify which tables the data that is wanted needs to be retrieved FROM. The third step is optional, but this step is used to filter data. Meaning, checking to see if the specific record meets the requirements that are needed to be selected. Fourth, is the GROUP BY step. This is optional. However, in this step aggregated data is grouped together to obtain a specific result. Fifth, is the HAVING step. Another step that is optional. But, in this step, a user can filter the aggregated values to obtain the results and conditions that they are wanting. Finally, the ORDER BY step. Which is the last step that is optional. This step gives users the opportunity to sort their wanted results in specified columns (Elmasri & Vavathe, 2004).

Our reading also explains the various types of join operations. Those being inner and outer. According to the article, “Inner vs. Outer in SQL” by Austin Libal, an inner join is responsible for returning records that match in both tables. The left outer join is responsible for returning tables from the left table, while matching rows from the right table. The right outer join is responsible for returning rows from the right table, while matching rows from the left. A full outer join returns all rows from left and right tables. In turn, combining matching rows and filling in unmatched rows will null values. Libal goes on to explain the best times to use inner vs outer joins. He states, the best time to use an inner join is when you want to provide specific matching data. But, when you want more of a comprehensive view of all the data, including unmatched data, you will use outer joins (Liabal, 2023).


Elmasri, Ramez, and Sham Navathe. Fundamentals of Database Systems. 4th ed., Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2004. 

Libal, Austin. “Inner vs. Outer in SQL.” Microsoft Power Platform Advanced Courses – Pragmatic Works, 11 Nov. 2023,,%2C%20Power%20Automate%2C%20and%20Azure. 



K.L Post #2:


Hi Class,

SQL retrieval query

In SQL, the logical order of execution for a retrieval query structures the result set in a precise sequence:

FROM: The query begins with the FROM clause, which specifies tables and defines the primary data source(s).

JOIN: If multiple tables are referenced, join operations occur here, combining tables based on relationships to create a unified dataset.

WHERE: This clause filters rows according to specified conditions, selecting only those that meet the criteria. Filtering early helps optimize processing.

GROUP BY: If grouping is needed, the GROUP BY clause groups rows by specified columns, often to prepare for aggregate functions like SUM or COUNT.

HAVING: After grouping, the HAVING clause filters groups based on conditions, allowing additional control over grouped data.

SELECT: The SELECT clause specifies which columns or expressions to return, producing the final output.

Join Operations

Inner Join: An inner join retrieves only rows with matching values in both tables, including only common entries. It’s suitable when both tables’ data are essential, such as finding orders with matching customer information.

Outer Join: Outer joins return all rows from one table and matched rows from the other, filling unmatched values with NULL. Types include left, right, and full outer joins. Outer joins are proper when all records from one table are needed, like displaying all products and whether or not they have sales.

The choice of join type depends on whether the result set should include only matched rows (inner join) or retain unmatched rows (outer join) for a more complete data view. This logical flow supports SQL’s ability to retrieve and structure data efficiently.


Elmasri, R., & Navathe, S. B. (2016). 
Fundamentals of database systems (7th ed.). Pearson.




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